The Muster Grounds and the W. Blair Keller, Jr. Interpretive Center are located at 702 Colonial Road in Abingdon, Virginia. This site is the northernmost trailhead of the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail.
From The Orchard at Altapass, visitors can walk along a certified segment of the Overmoutain Victory National Historic Trail and view the North Cove valley and McKinney Gap. Storytelling hayrides that include an account of the Overmountain Men of…
The divided Overmountain militia led by Colonel William Campbell camped the night of September 29, 1780, at Turkey Cove along the bottomlands of Armstrong Creek. This site is not a marked site on the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail. The…
W. Kerr Scott Reservoir is a flood control impoundment in the Upper Yadkin River Valley which now submerges the route of the Wilkes and Surry County militia in 1780. A certified section of the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail runs along…
The Wilkes Heritage Museum occupies the historic 1902 courthouse for Wilkes County. Exhibits include a room dedicated to the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail. The Tory Oak is commemorated adjacent to the courthouse. A certified section of…
The Overmountain Men marched over the mountain barrier following a narrow path known as "Bright's Trace." It followed a route used by Indians and created over centuries by migrations of deer, elk, and buffalo to cross the mountains. That path offered…