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Grave of William Campbell
The grave of William Campbell is a certified site of the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail. It is on private property, but respectful visitors are welcome. The grave is about 25 miles northeast of Abingdon in Seven Mile Ford at the family…
Pisgah National Forest
The divided force of Overmountain Men riding under Shelby and Sevier departed their camp site at North Cove on September 30 and proceeded uphill and over a ridge through today's Pisgah National Forest toward a rendezvous with Campbell's men along the…
North Cove
The divided force of Overmountain militia men led by colonels Shelby and Sevier camped on the evening of September 29, 1780, in an area known as North Cove. It is in the valley of the North Fork of the Catawba River near the mouth of Hunnycut's Creek…
Paddy's Creek
The divided force of Overmountain militia under colonels Shelby and Sevier proceeded toward their rendezvous with Colonel Campbell's men along the Catawba River. The Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail follows Paddy's Creek through today's…
Turkey Cove
The divided Overmountain militia led by Colonel William Campbell camped the night of September 29, 1780, at Turkey Cove along the bottomlands of Armstrong Creek. This site is not a marked site on the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail. The…
Lynn Gap Trail
The Overmountain men under Colonel William Campbell departed Gillespie Gap and proceeded along the ridge to descend the face of the Blue Ridge Mountains to Turkey Cove. A certified section of the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail parallels…
Hefner Gap
On September 28, 1780, when the Overmountain militia leaders at Gillepie Gap decided to split their forces to descend the eastern face of the Blue Ridge Mountains, colonels Shelby and Sevier took their men by the more northerly route toward North…
The Orchard at Altapass
From The Orchard at Altapass, visitors can walk along a certified segment of the Overmoutain Victory National Historic Trail and view the North Cove valley and McKinney Gap. Storytelling hayrides that include an account of the Overmountain Men of…
Rocky Mount State Historic Site Museum
Rocky Mount Museum was the home of William Cobb during the muster of Overmountain Men at Sycamore Shoals. William Cobb, Sr. and four sons joined in the campaign to Kings Mountain. Later, when William Blount, governor of the Southwest Territory lived…
Fort Defiance
William Lenoir lived in the Yadkin River Valley and served in the Wilkes County Militia under Colonel Benjamin Cleveland. His home on the Upper Yadkin River was built in 1792 near the site of his fortified home of the same name which he occupied…
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